Virtual Tasting & Theory Sessions

Wine Wise students are invited to attend our online sessions to help enhance your studies.  You are welcome to join as many as you wish and can continue to do so even once your studies are complete.  

Wine Tasting Sessions

Join us for our Virtual Tasting Sessions held on alternative Thursdays 6.30pm-8.00pm (UK time) via Zoom.  We follow the WSET Systematic Approach to Tasting criteria and explore the concepts of tasting.

Please bring your SAT card and a bottle of  your choice and join the conversation!

Thursdays 6.30-8.00pm


  • 23rd May - Chilean Sauvignon Blanc
  • 6th June  - Malbec
  • 20th June - Australian/New Zealand Chardonnay
  • 4th July - Calibration Tasting - details to be confirmed
  • 18th July - Your choice!

For an invitational link to the tasting sessions, please contact us via email: or call Jaspal on 07801 104570.  Alternatively, you can send a message via the Contact Us page. 

Wine Theory Tutorials

As part of your studies, you are invited to attend our Virtual Theory sessions.  These are held monthly on Sunday mornings (10.30-12.00).  The tutorials focus on the Level 3 syllabus but Level 1 & 2 students are more than welcome to attend.  The sessions are scheduled as follows:

Sunday Mornings - 10.30am-12.00pm


  • 26 May - Syrah/Shiraz
  • 30 June - Merlot
  • 28 July - Riesling

For an invitational link to the theory sessions, please contact us via email: or call us on 07804494083 or WhatsApp +61 (0)432059371.  Alternatively, you can send a message via the Contact Us page